Virtual Phone Numbers for business and personal use

Virtual Numbers for business and personal use
Virtual Numbers for business and personal use

We now offer virtual numbers in 140 countries.

This includes Toll Free and local virtual phone numbers.  There are many uses for virtual numbers.  Some more obvious uses apply to businesses that wish to make it easy for their overseas customers to reach them by phone.  Using a virtual number enables creating a phone presence in another country overnight instantly.

Business use:

Regardless of where your business is located, you can now own a unique USA or global phone number and use this number on your business cards or distribute it to your international clients. The Virtual Number service will allow your clients to reach you at any phone number in the world by calling your virtual global phone number.
Personal use:

If you travel to different countries on a regular basis, having a virtual number service permits you to give your family and friends a unique US or global number so they can contact you at any time using your international phone number.

Author: Bob Stone

V.P. of marketing for

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